Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Grownups Acting Silly and Having Fun in Class!

Is it okay for the grownups to sing out of tune, dance very silly, or have more fun than their child in class?   Answer:  YES!!

Have you ever been to a Music Together class where all the big people are singing and dancing and acting silly?  You might notice that the children are super engaged when this happens.  It's like MAGIC!!

When I first starting teaching this program many years ago, I was a bit intimidated by having grownups in class.  I had been teaching music in the grade school setting for over a decade (without grownups) with ease, grace and LOTS of silliness!  The idea of doing this in front of the mommies and daddies, at first, seemed terrifying.  What if they thought I was an idiot?  What if they judged me?  Okay, now I know it doesn't matter and it's gotten so much easier.  It helps to realize how very important it is for us to model FUN music-making for our children!   The more you do it; the easier it gets, REALLY!!

Yesterday, I had a lovely conversation with a family in our program that LOVES her current class.  All the grownups are fully engaged in the music, sing loudly, and get very silly.  She shared that she had attended make-up classes that didn't have this same energy or focus . . . the teacher was still super fun, the music was still awesome Music Together music, but she noticed that the big people in class seemed to not be as into the singing, dancing and acting silly.  I think that this can be super scary for many grownups!!  However, the more you do it, the easier it gets, REALLY!

Why is this so crucial to a child's musical development?  Children get their disposition doing things (like making music, cooking, gardening) by seeing their favorite adults doing these activities.  I've hear people say, "if you want to raise a child who like to read, make sure they see you reading."  Music Together teachers say, "if you want to raise a musical child, make sure they see you making music!"

Have fun, sing loud, and be silly!  
♥  Kathy & Music Together in Phoenix

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