We just finished our Summer classes. What a hoot this summer was.; lots of everyone's VERY favorite songs, Trot Ol' Joe, Su La Li, and John, the Rabbit! Teacher Laila was telling me this amazing story from a mom in one of her classes, and I said, "you HAVE to write that down".
had a mommy come up to me in tears in class one day because her very young
daughter was singing a song from one of our CDs. She had a video of this little
sweetie singing in the middle of the mall, belting out the song like it was her
job. What I found so incredibly touching about this is this mother simply
couldn’t believe it. It wasn’t a moment she expected, and it took her by
complete surprise. You see, this mommy, who is very enthusiastic and fun in
class, still has a hard time singing without feeling uncomfortable. For her to
hear her daughter singing without shame and enjoying herself was a feeling she
hasn’t yet been able to have herself. Have you ever seen a parent experience
their child doing something they have never done? It’s amazing. And although
this mommy still hasn’t completely found her voice yet, I can see her having
more and more fun in class every week."
Music can be so powerful in a child's life! Thanks for sharing this story from class, Laila!!